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Monday, June 24, 2019

Making it up

She knew it was futile but she just hates them, hates them so much.

Am I to believe that we can put a man on the moon but can't come up with a squirrel-proof bird feeder?  That's hard to believe; right off the top of my head I can think of a couple of ways to keep the squirrels at bay.  I kind of like the little fellas myself since they're a relatively benign form of urban wildlife and it's amusing the way they'll approach you if you can mimic the proper squirrel vocalizations.

When I lived on the third floor of my mother's building I used to enjoy watching the squirrels run along the tree tops; the living room windows providing an excellent view.  The front of the building was covered with ivy and the squirrels used to carefully choose leaves and build little nests. Not every leaf was suitable and I was surprised at how choosy they were.  One time a young squirrel built a nest right on the window ledge where I got a good view of the process as long as I sat real still.  It took him about an hour to complete the task, finishing just before sundown.  He must not have liked the location as he only used it a few days and then abandoned it.  Maybe the tree branches were more to his liking.

It's too bad that so many birds are killed by flying into windows but I don't think much can be done about it.  From the bird's point of view they are looking at the sky and can't tell it's only a reflection.  That's the explanation I read about long ago but it makes sense to me.

A week or so back I read about this big cloud system that showed up on weather  radar but turned out to be a huge aggregation of insects, mayflies, I think, and I've been meaning to ask Uncle Ken about what kinds of flying insects he finds invading the lofty heights of the ivory towers.  Are fruit flies or house flies much of an annoyance as he lounges on the balcony?  I know that spiders have no fear of heights and are found living hundreds of feet in the air.  What they are eating, I don't know.


The Meteor Shower improv group sounds interesting but according to the library website they only meet once a month for two hours and I was wondering what they can actually accomplish in such a short length of time.  I agree that the name of the group is kind of dumb but if they changed it to Media Shower they might have something.

I like the idea of improv since much of life is making it up as you go along.  All the world's a stage, don'cha know.

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