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Friday, March 28, 2014

Waving the proud flag of Beaglesonia

I don’t see our parents as ancestors, or even our grandparents, or really anybody we know. I think of them as way back in the mists of time, but a random google search says forebears, so what the hell, I will give this one to Beagles, but I’ll grumble a bit, if you meant parents, why not just say parents?

So you told your daughter about every little brush with the law, everything stupid you did under the influence, every little sexual dalliance? Well you say unless she asked, I think that leaves a lot of wiggle room. The question at hand was how moral (in the sense of sexual activities I believe) were your parents, and I was saying they surely seem more moral to you than they really were, because they haven’t told you everything they did. And your hedging about telling your hypothetical daughter only what she asked, implies you did not tell her everything, so she probably has a more moral picture of you than reality would reveal, which is exactly my point.

But it does seem a little odd, doesn’t it when some people speak of morals and values, and normally those words mean things like kindness and honesty, but when, oh, let’s call a spade a spade, the religious right, and therefore most of the republican party, really are only talking about sex out of wedlock. And by the way, wasn’t that exactly what Beagles had in mind when he cozied up to the greasers and thought of hanging with the hippies, and I’m assuming he got lucky every now and then (and I’m assuming he didn’t tell his daughters, because how many daughters ask their fathers if they ever had sex before they met their mom)? But now that he is an old man, he feels perfectly fine railing against the sins he did when he was younger.

Maybe that’s the thing, if we allow gay marriage then they won’t be having sex out of wedlock anymore, and then they won’t be sinners, they will be the moral equals of sainted Beagles, and entitled to the same rights, and we know he doesn’t want that.

No, you didn’t convince me on gun rights, but when you came up with one of your bumper slogan arguments like guns don’t kill people, I answered your argument, people with guns kill people and if people didn’t have guns they wouldn’t be able to kill people so easily, and then you said something, and then I said something, blah, blah, blah, we could do it in our sleep.

But one thing I didn’t do, because I respect the credo of Beaglesonia is say, my internal sense of right and wrong tells me that guns are bad, and therefore I don’t need to respond to any of your arguments.

It’s the difference between people talking to each other and people throwing rocks at those they disagree with because they know they are right and have no need to question that.

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