That sounded a little peculiar, that you never heard of anyone
having a problem with the voter ID in Michigan, so I googled ‘voter suppression
in Michigan’ and I found plenty of people who had a problem. But then it was
mostly dems who had the problem, and hell, we are always complaining, especially
when we are stuck in a blue state turning red.
The thing is some people don’t have a driver’s license and those
voter ID’s you have to get a copy of your birth certificate and that costs
money, and these are not that many places where you can get the voter ID, and
that can mean travel by people who don’t have cars, and that can cost money
Well what the hell, what kind of person doesn’t have a driver’s
license, or a birth certificate or would have a problem paying for a copy and
would have a problem traveling to some other city?
That would be poor people of course, who generally vote
democratic. Well they say they are protecting voter integrity, but when the
pesky reporter mentions that there are almost no documented cases of voter fraud
in recent years, they quickly change the subject. And of course it is only
Republicans who push this kind of issue.
Hah, that thing about having to answer whether or not you are a
citizen reminds me of those loyalty oaths of our youth. Before you could
conduct business with the government it seemed like you always had to promise
not to violently overthrow the government. Of course if you were a commie, or
anarchist or something, who wanted to overthrow the government you had
absolutely no problem with lying to it.
Does it feel like maybe we have done this one to death? Do you
think we should move on to another topic?
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