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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Is So! Is So! Is So! Is So!.......Infinity!

Our parents are so our ancestors! They aren't our only ancestors, and they aren't our ancient ancestors, but they are certainly our ancestors. If they aren't our ancestors, then what are they?

I was always totally honest with my daughter, and so was my hypothetical wife. If you remember, we even told her the truth about Santa Claus right from the start. No, I didn't tell her everything I did when I was her age, mostly because she didn't ask. If she asked about something that I regretted doing, I told her that I did it but that I regretted it, and that I wouldn't recommend that she do it that way herself and, if she hadn't gotten bored and wandered away by then, I told her why.

See, that's the trouble with sex, people use it as a lure to get you to do something and then, more often than not, they don't give it to you anyway. I always believed that sex should be a thing unto itself and not be all tangled up with that social crap, or used to sell you something. It's no wonder we were obsessed with it when we were young. Every time you turned on the TV or opened a magazine, there it was starring you in the face. Just try to actually get some of it, though, and you were denounced as some kind of pervert. I don't get around much anymore but, last I heard, it hadn't changed all that much since we were kids.

One thing though, we did get rid of that double standard, so maybe the Sexual Revolution wasn't entirely fought in vain. Remember how, if a guy did it, he was admired for it by the other guys but, if a girl did it, she was denounced as a whore? I used to think that was where all those gays came from, but now they're saying some people are just born like that. I mean, if the guys are supposed to do it, but the girls aren't supposed to do it, then who the hell are the guys supposed to do it with, each other?

Speaking of gays, you're right that my life will not materially change if gays are allowed to get married in Michigan. Nevertheless, I will never vote for it or speak of it approvingly. Why? Because I don't want to, that's why. We all have our druthers, and that's one thing that I druther not. Why should I need any more reason than that? I'm not trying to convince you or anybody else to my way of thinking, I'm just telling you what my way of thinking is on the subject. If I couldn't persuade you on the gun issue, I'm sure that I can't persuade you on this issue. I have met a few gay people in my life, and I guess they were okay, but I still don't believe they should be allowed to get married.

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