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Friday, March 28, 2014

A Gentleman Never Tells

When I said "ancestors", I meant from my parents on back to as far as I knew about. You're right that I don't really know how much sex those people had, but I do know that they just didn't talk about it nearly as much as people do today. Well, not in English anyway. Sometimes when I would walk into a room full of relatives (parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts), they would stop speaking English and lapse into Czech. That's probably when they were talking about sex, or something else they didn't want me to know about. Then again, maybe they didn't know the English names for all those body parts and the things people did with them. I mean, it's not the kind of thing people would talk about in my dad's store, or anybody else's store for that matter. That's what the real difference is between our generation and the previous ones, the way they spoke and thought about sex, not necessarily the way they actually did it. Like a wise old philosopher once said, "The Sexual Revolution was mostly a war of words."

I'm sure that my daughter knew that I had sex before marriage, but she didn't know how often and with whom. I mean, it's not like I kept a log book or anything like that. As far as brushes with the law, I didn't have any. As far as stupid things, well we all have some of that in our past. As far as sins, it might surprise you to know that premarital sex is not really a sin, at least not as far as the Bible is concerned. Believe me, if it was in there, I'm sure that I would have found it. Adultery is a sin, even contemplating adultery is a sin, but there is nothing in there about unmarried people getting it on. Unless they're getting it on with people of the same gender or farm animals, that's definitely a sin. There is something about marrying only a "virgin daughter of Israel", but that was mostly to keep the Hebrews from interbreeding with the heathens that they were about to conquer. Nothing says that the man has to be a virgin son of Israel, though, which may be the origin of the double standard that we finally blew away back in the 60s.

Allowing gays to get married under the civil law won't make them my moral equals. I don't care that much about sin anymore but, like I said, there is such a thing as common sense and common decency, or at least there used to be.

When you think about it, your dislike of guns isn't all that different than my dislike of gays. I have guns, and you don't dislike me, do you? If your next door neighbor had guns, would that make your life any different? Assuming of course that he just kept his guns to himself and didn't use them to shoot up the neighborhood. If a gay couple, moved in next door to me, it wouldn't really bother me. I probably wouldn't hang out with them, but I don't hang out with anybody anymore. Like I said, I have known a few gay people in my life and, while we were never bosom buddies, we got along okay. For all I know, some of my neighbors might even be gay.  I have never conducted a poll from door to door to find out, and I don't plan to. The more I think about it, it's not gay people that I dislike, it's the idea of people being gay, and then publically bragging about it like there's something wrong with you if you're not gay. Like the Blacks, well some of them anyway, they don't want equality, they want dominance. They want to take over the world and put us all in the place where they used to be before we liberated them. Ungrateful bastards!

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