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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Beaglesonia wins again

I wouldn’t even know what Carhartts were except that we are having primary elections for gov right now, and one of the guys running in the Republican primary, a billionaire who is basically buying the election, always shows up in his commercials wearing what I have learned is his Carhartt jacket. This is to show that he is one of the people, just like you or me, maybe more like you because of that jacket. He is one of those Springfield guys who sort of slop public money around and a lot of it ends up spilling into their pockets but he is running as a tea party guy.
You know I rather disapprove of people following that simplistic ‘they’re all crooks’ credo, but it’s pretty damn close in Illinois.

I think the last push for gun control was after Sunny Hook. It had a little momentum, they even got that guy Manchin from West Virginia to back it, but of course it never had a chance. Do you think your world is better with all those guys packing heat, probably about five percent of them nuts like everybody else, living around you? Of course out in Beaglesonia they are far away, but people like me have to live next door to them. Of course we could all move to the boonies, but then there wouldn’t be any boonies anymore.

I had to look up that Michigan marriage thing. Looks like you guys are all lawyered up all right. Of course all it takes is another law or amendment to change it, and I note that when it passed only a quarter of Michiganders were in favor of same sex marriage and now, ten years later it is just under a half. But maybe ten years from now when they change it you will be so grizzled that there won’t be a gay dog who will have you. So it looks like Beaglesonia wins again. Damn, I knew we should have raised that militia.

Did a little internet research on that book. Was pretty sure if it was something that you liked it had to be written by some wacko, no offense, but it turned out that it was written by a former Daily Show writer.

Have we ever talked about the Daily Show, or its companion, the Colbert Report? They are basically liberal, but they make fun of liberals when liberals provide them a fat target. I know you have said you don’t watch any tv except what sneaks in while you are watching your stock reports and weather, but then you also said you almost never read any books, and here you are reading one. Why don’t you try watching them once or twice? The Comedy channel at ten and then repeats the next day at six for early to bed/early risers like myself.

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