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Thursday, March 13, 2014

No Saints Here

Before I forget, I forgot to tell you about the affidavits. If you don't have a picture ID, you can sign an affidavit and still get to vote. They do this right at the polling place, but I don't know how complicated it is. They have a table set up in the corner just for that purpose, but I've never seen anybody using it.

If the Michigan voter ID law was first passed in 1996, I don't remember it. Like I said, they've had it for the last two or three elections, so that 2005 date sounds more likely. Our current Republican governor and his Republican majority in both houses of the legislature were elected in 2010 and took office in January, 2011. Before that we had a Democratic governor for eight years, during which at least one house of the legislature was always dominated by the Dems. Before that we had a Republican governor for eight years, but I don't remember what the composition of the legislature was during his term. If something was passed in 1996, it would have been on his watch and, if the courts struck it down, that would explain why it was never implemented.

I don't think that the Republicans are any better job creators than the Democrats, and any jobs they do create are bound to be at the low end of the pay scale. The Republicans want to lower our wages, and the Democrats want to raise our taxes so, whoever wins, we lose. A pox on both their houses!

I don't know what it would take to bring the good jobs back to this country, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Red China. Those crafty devils seem to have more of our money than we have, and are now loaning it back to us for interest. Those guys are way over due for another revolution. Where are the Red Guards when you need them?

Something is wrong with an economy that depends on consumer spending anyway. A sound economy is based on production, not consumption. I don't know if we're ever going back to that but, if we do, it will be too late to help the likes of you and me. As it turned out, we made it out just in time, but I feel bad for the young kids starting out nowadays. What do they have to look forward to? Get a college degree, end up working for low wages anyway, and spend the rest of your life paying off your student loans.

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