Is not the motto, the slogan of The Beaglesonian Institute, “A
forum for reasonable discussion among reasonable people”? To me, and doubtless
millions of our readers, that means that anything is up for logical discussion.
Oh I suppose there are certain things like your deist god, and my somewhat rigid
atheism, that are beyond discussion. Well they are not really beyond
discussion, we can and do discuss them, but at some point we run into something
like faith, which I personally distrust, but there is no way we can build a
theory without it, even geometry is nothing without its axioms.
But still our more general beliefs, and the laws we wish to propose
to run the country when it finally turns to us and asks us for our opinion, are
subject to logical discussion. Some fundamentalist religious type would have no
place in this forum, because there would be nothing to discuss because
everything he believed, it was something God told him, so how do you argue with
See and this, what do you call it, internal sense of right and
wrong, sounds a lot like faith, like here it is, this is my own internal sense
of right and wrong, I don’t need no stinking logic, I don’t need to know no
history or nothing, I just look in my heart, I suppose, and there is the truth,
and all your arguments mean nothing to me, for I posses my own truth. Well
geez, why am I talking to a guy like this?
Gay marriage, I believe I have come out for it on numerous
occasions, and I have had my historical references, and my logical discussion,
but Beagles has his ISRW (Internal Sense of Right and Wrong), so why am I even
talking to him?
As long as you play the ISRW card, I don’t see how we can have any
discussion, it’s just like saying god told you so.
And what is this howler about the old fashioned values of our
ancestors? When is the last time you read anything about our ancestors? What
are these values that you mourn the loss of, slavery, wars of conquest,
sacrificing to stone idols?
I suppose I have had my problems with authority, I don’t know if
that’s necessarily a band thing, often authority is wrong. it’s always good to
be a skeptic. I pay my taxes, except for a few minor skirmishes way back in my
youth I have not run athwart of the law. Oh wait a minute I think you are
calling me out for being too compliant to the law by letting it tell me to buy
insurance, live next to black (colored? Did you say that on purpose, just to
get a rise?) people, and be nice to gays?
Buying insurance seems to me like paying taxes. If you don’t pay
for your own insurance then everybody else has to pay for it, so I think it’s
reasonable to pay my share. The next two are not things the government tells
you to do.
It was the Vietnam War I was against, not necessarily all wars. WW
II seemed to me like a war to be fought, and certainly if those Michiganders
raised an army and marched on the hog butcher I would take up
Sometimes you have very good days Beagles, but today I have to
think that you have gotten into the medical marijuana, that your state is
offering as refreshments for the great universal compulsory gay wedding of all
its citizens which is surely right around the corner.
This ISRW, is something we need to discuss else we face the sorry
prospect of one sentence posts:
My ISRW tells me this is wrong (Beagles)
My ISRW tells me it isn’t (Uncle Ken)
Our readers will want more.
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