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Monday, December 11, 2017

winnowing the chaff right through the pearly gates

I don't know nothing about no pressure cooker.  What are they for?  What do they cook that a regular, non-pressure cooker doesn't?  I am a little intrigued by steamers, but what do they do that my trusty microwave doesn't. 

Muzzle loaders don't mean anything to me either, though I did read an interesting article about deer in the Straight Dope this weekend:  Interesting that most farmed deer are raised so that some Dick Cheney type can walk up and shoot them.  And where is Dick Cheney in the current Festival of Evil and Madness?  You would think he would be the belle of the ball?

I hadn't  heard anything about  Pope Francis (that German guy, is he still alive?), changing the Lord's prayer, like any upstanding Methodist or Lutheran I am crying out indignantly, can he do that?  Who does he think he is, The Lord?  Close enough I guess, being infallible and all, but that only goes as far as the mackerel snappers, I don't see us prots having our King James's recalled to change the wording of Mathew 6:12.

And isn't this wording a bit weasely, lead us not into as opposed to don't let us be led?  One of those suspender-snapping backwoods lawyers could easily show that they mean practically the same thing, especially for someone who created the whole dang universe. 

See this whole thing, now I think I got this idea from Elsdon Methodist, that this whole earthly experience is like a test, like a winnowing of the chaff,  If you are a good person and eschew temptation you will go to heaven which is the reward of the good.  If you are a bad person and wallow in sin you will go to hell which is the punishment for the bad.  Isn't that the way we want things to be?  Isn't  that what made Christianity so popular?  In the long run the good will get rewarded, and a good part of that reward will be knowing that the bad are getting punished.

But don't you have to be tested?  Don't you have to look temptation into its mascaraed eyes and turn away to prove that you are good?  If nobody ever faces temptation how do we know who is good or bad?  These puritans who want to take away our booze and make women dress frumpy and etc, aren't they thwarting God's will by protecting the chaff? 

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