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Thursday, December 7, 2017

Lost in the swamp

The missing locomotive is a fine local legend and there are some reasons why it was never found but I won't go into them.  There was a line from the movie The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence that is somewhat related regarding the choice between truth and legend and the newspaperman's declaration was "Print the legend!"  Was Gordon Turner the reporter who was on the fruitless quest for the locomotive?


A while back I mentioned the short attention span of the general public and what the mainstream media deems important and I forgot one issue that was a real big deal for a while: the opioid crisis.  I'm wondering if Big Pharma put the kibosh on news coverage; I don't think that crisis has been averted.  And very little mention of the events on this day in history but too few survivors of that day of infamy are around to keep the memory alive, and so it goes.

Uncle Ken is spot on in his bleak assessment of today's reality but I don't things are as bad as he thinks.  A lot of previously ignored issues are coming to light and there is much new discussion going on.  It's a slow and tedious process but progress will be made.  The baby has not yet been thrown out of the bathwater and the rule of law will prevail.  It's too bad that the judicial system is in such disarray with the courts being loaded with judges of questionable values.  I don't think lifetime appointments are such a good idea anymore.  It's easy to rig the system when the judges are in the pocket of political parties

Things may be looking up for some aspects of the Liberal Agenda.  A recent article in the Wall Street Journal reports that, according to recent polls, the younger folk, i.e., Millennials, are more positively inclined towards Socialism than their older kin, especially us Boomers.  There are some pretty graphs to show the trends, but the article is now behind a paywall and I can't get to it.  Damn.  But if you search for "wsj socialism millennials" a lot of other sites pop up describing the content.

It may end up meaning nothing unless they organize and vote, and we know how accurate some polls have been lately.


I am confident that Mr. Beagles knows exactly what he is doing when he uses his muzzle loader but an article about exploding barrels caught my eye, particularly in regards to the Savage Arms 10ML-II.  Muzzle loaders are supposed to use black powder and not the more powerful smokeless powder but the 10ML-II is designed to use either and the results haven't been good, as proven by numerous lawsuits.  Any comment, Mr. Beagles?  I'm curious as to how the powder is loaded, whether or not a cloth patch is used, and what kind of primer is used.  It looks like the old flintlock method with the pan on the side is out of fashion.


Nothing that I've read about Bitcoin and Bitcoin Mining gives me any confidence in the system,  Seems like a lot of mumbo jumbo to me and is like a bubble or pyramid scheme.  There was a guy who recently realized that a hard drive that he tossed out years ago had millions of dollars worth of Bitcoins on it and now they are irretrievably lost.  He would have been better off burying them in the backyard, an impossible task since they don't exist in physical form.  Or do they?  And if they exist solely as information can you write them down on a piece of paper?  I'm not ready for this part of the Future.


The words of Marcus Aurelius showed up in an article that popped up today, and the advice is still sound.  Don't eat the bitter cucumber, throw it away instead.  In other words, don't complain about nuisances.  Avoid them and  find a better way.  If you are of the Stoic persuasion you might like this:

I took the article to mean either fix the problem or shut up.  I should work harder towards putting it into practice.

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