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Friday, December 22, 2017

Consumer Reports or the drunk on the next barstool?

Why are we talking about majority rule?  Oh, that's right FDR.  A lot of people did hate FDR but more people loved him.  Doesn't mean he was a good president, though I have to say the founding fathers and the adopted son of the Institute do like their social security.  Hum, that's a trinity isn't it?  I guess Beagles would be the Father because he signed up with blogspot.  I guess that would make me the Holy Ghost.  Boo.

I don't think Beagles was in Ms Arvin's history class.  Now there was a woman who loved FDR, and a daughter of the south, and fond of the word daresay, she was always daresaying something, a nice little expression that I ought to be working into my conversation.  Anyway we once had a little class debate on FDR.  I was a little Republican in those days, getting my political opinions from the editorial cartoon in the Trib - it was on the front page, remember, and in color I believe - and they found occasion to trash Eleanor Roosevelt, so I was against her and her commie hubby.

But I didn't nail him for his economics, I nailed him for giving away the store to Joe Stalin at Yalta.  In retrospect I am not so sure of that, boots on the ground are boots on the ground, but I'll bet the Birchers had plenty to say about  that.

If we spent  our time in schools teaching every crackpot theory, we'd have no time to teach anything else.  I daresay we'd have to teach Nazism and KKK like they were just other opinions as valid as any other.  If we taught about every religion we would have no time to teach addition and subtraction.  And I'll have to say it again all opinions aren't equal.  If Beagles reads a well researched article in Consumer Reports that says Chevy is the way to go, and then steps into Al's Tap for a quick one and the drunk on the next barstool says, "Fuck Chevys," does that make the decision a tossup?

There is only so much time in a classroom, if you are interested in crackpot theories there is the internet or the drunk on the next barstool.

Spit and polish was the bone and sinew of ROTC in Champaign Illinois in 1963, but we had classes too.  I remember one of the regular army guys telling us that the Korean war was a great thing for the US because we got to test out all our weapons, an opportunity that the Russkies, being at peace didn't have.  Even then I wondered what the fuck is wrong with this guy.

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