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Friday, December 22, 2017

Pie Are Round

I am reminded of a line that was delivered by one of the characters on the old TV show "Hee Haw":

"I asked my son what he learned in school today and he said, 'Pie are square'. Why that's ridiculous! Everybody knows that pie are round. Cornbread are square."

Uncle Ken has said that he couldn't understand why the public schools aren't turning out classical liberals like himself. One reason is that all the teachers aren't classical liberals, another reason is that all the kids aren't paying attention, and another reason is that kids learn things from other sources besides school. If a kid's teacher tells him that pie are square, his parents tell him that pie are round, and his little friends tell him to forget about pie and try this new booze or drug that they have just discovered, what's the kid supposed to believe? While it may be true that all opinions are not equal, most people consider their own opinions to be superior to other people's opinions, and those people can vote. They don't always vote but, when they do, they are likely to vote for someone who they believe holds opinions compatible with their own.

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