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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

the war on terrorism

 So are you buying into the white supremacist's dogma of white replacement?  Well what the hell.  That reconquista thing I first remember hearing that from a guy in Texas thirty some years ago.  Even then it sounded like a lot of hogwash.  How does taking the lowest jobs in a country represent a conquest?  The reason they are coming here is that things are bad in the homeland and they know if they come here they can make a good living.  Back in the day our forebears were patted on the back for that.  It showed the indomitable spirits of the immigrants.   

I have to know.  When was the last time you came out of the swamp to see the world?

I have also been hearing that curious theory about how the enemy situates itself inside the populated areas so that when you bomb them there are civilian casualties, for many years.  I believe it was used in Vietnam, the Israelis use it all the time, and I think we have used it in Iraq and in Afghanistan.  Yeah, like why doesn't the enemy make their camp in an empty desert or part of a jungle, and while they're at it, why don't they put up a big flag so we Americans can bomb them more easily?  Why did the revolutionary army hide behind trees instead of marching in regiments with a drummer and a bugler and wearing bright red coats.

The enemy is in the cities and the hamlets because that is where they live.  It's not like they are settling among innocent people who otherwise would love Americans.  These people in general, like the Afghani rural women, don't like the Americans either because, you know, they are invading their country.

I think that a lot of the civilians we killed were the victims of bum information from the warlords.  But after awhile we surely knew that the information was often bogus but went ahead and bombed anyway, because we wanted to keep the warlords on our side, and civilian casualties are just something you have to accept in the great war against terrorism, even though in the long run these attacks caused more new terrorists than the ones it killed.

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