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Thursday, October 7, 2021

Job Security

 I agree with Uncle Ken that they shouldn't drag out those wars for 10 or 20 years.  If our guys could defeat both Germany and Japan in four years, I don't see why they they couldn't defeat any of those shit hole countries in a year or two.  I have said before that I believed that they lost the Vietnam War on purpose, and maybe that's what they have been doing ever since. 

Back in the day, I thought it was because we had Communist sympathizers in our government.  Is there such a thing as an Islamic terrorist sympathizer?  As far as I know, those people don't even like each other, so how could anyone who is not even one of them like them?  Another possible explanation is that it's a job security thing.  There always has to be some kind of enemy to justify the jobs of the generals and the bureaucrats.  After Russian Communism fizzled out, they needed another bogyman.  Red China would have been the logical choice, but they were too busy kissing up to it in order to gain access to all that cheap labor.  Cuba was no good because most of the Cubans had moved to Miami by then.  There were some promising candidates in South American and Africa, but they kept slipping back into tribal feudalism before they could be sold as a serious threat to the US.  That might happen in the Middle East as well if our guys would stay out of there long enough for those Islamics to kill each other off.  Last I heard, the Taliban and ISIS were already squabbling over the carcass of Afghanistan.

Then there's that COVID thing.  How long do they expect to milk that one?  The 1918 flu only lasted two years, and that was before they had vaccines or anything.  Last I heard, half the states were enacting mandates, the other half were prohibiting mandates, and both halves were being sued over it.  I suppose the lawyers need job security too, otherwise they would have to resort to honest labor, like keeping the shelves in our local Walmart stocked. 

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