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Friday, October 15, 2021

lights going out in eastern Europe

 I might add to Beagles's assessment that most of those countries that we invaded are now less safe.  Kosovo is safer but I can't think of any other country.  And that is the reason the people of those countries did not want us there, because we were making them less safe, and of course people don't like being invaded by another country.  

Once the neocon dream for Iraq went kaput the official reason why we were there killing strangers is that we were fighting terrorism, the idea being that if we stopped them there they wouldn't come here.

But there are like a hundred terrorist groups and while we are fighting some there, others could easily slip over here and do something.  But they didn't because what would that accomplish?  Their fight was never with us, it was with each other.

What have the terrorists done in the US since 911?  Pretty much nada. We have way more to fear from home-grown terrorists than guys across the sea.

This is not immigration, this is asylum, this is international law that is being broken, but it's no big deal for this Duda guy who is part of the new wave of dictators in Poland, Belarus, Hungary, the Stan countries, the Philippines, Brazil, etc.

The photo that Beagles admires is obviously some kind of propaganda.  There is no way that the Polish army could stretch itself ten feet apart across the entire border with Belarus.

Would Beagles have been happier with his deployment if instead of going to Germany and chasing the Frauleins he had spent it standing on the north bank of the Rio Grande staring into Mexico sixteen hours a day?  Would that be the best way to deploy our current army.  Well at least we wouldn't be invading anybody.

But I have to say nice link, clickable, functioning, and with an explanation.  Thank you.

If the problem is with the settings getting a new monitor is not going to solve Beagles's problem.  As a helpful guy I googled monitor is smearing icons but again came up with too many different solutions.  I was going to burnish my fixit guy cred by reminding you of how I had fixed my vacuum cleaner.  I put vacuum cleaner into that search box and I got four or five posts, but apparently I have never posted my vacuum cleaner saga.  Well perhaps I will do that soon since my Waitress story is falling flat on the dawgs.

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