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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Collateral Damage

Actually I think World War II was the first big war in which there were more civilian than military casualties.  That was because it was the first time large scale aerial bombardment was employed.  The intent was to cripple the enemy's industrial capacity, and most of the factories were located in or near urban areas because that's where the workers lived.  The bomb sights they had were not nearly as accurate as they are today, so they made up for it by dropping more bombs than they thought they needed, hoping that at least some of them would hit their intended targets.  War is indeed hell, but what's the alternative, abject surrender to the forces of evil?

Those illegal immigrants aren't bad people, at least no worse than any other group but, as I said, there are way too many of them.  They are conquering us, not by force of arms, but by sheer force of numbers.  Whether that's the result of somebody's deliberate plan or an accident of history, the effect is the same.  I haven't traveled outside of Northern Michigan since my mother died in 2002.  Tell me, Uncle Ken, is that stretch of I-94 through Indiana less crowded than it was in those days?  There is a "reality" show on the Weather Channel about heavy duty tow truck operators in Canada.  They routinely show aerial views of some of the highways that appear to be just a crowded as I-94 used to be back in the day.  If Canada has gotten this overcrowded, I can just imagine what Chicago must look like by now.

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