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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

yes, we are one nation

I have never suggested that the Trumpists and non-Trumpists separate themselves into little islands.  I don't like the way the nation is skewed geographically.  If we lived in closer proximity we would likely not be so divided.  We would have a chance to speak to each other and not scream.  That is The Liberal Agenda after all, the truth will make us free.  As much as I dislike the mindlessness of the Trumpists I have never said that they aren't Americans.  They are merely misguided.  Hate the sin but love the sinner.

No, you are not qualified to offer solutions to the problems of police brutality, which by the way is not a just an urban problem.  You need facts, you need knowledge, you need experience.  Sitting in the swamp and reading the local paper and catching a snippet of the evening news and perusing your little msn news app is just not enough.  I could browse through a car magazine but that would not be enough to recommend the kind of car and driver to win whatever the next big race is.

And before this I have never heard you utter a word about the Man being too heavy on the black man (and of course it's not just black and white),  Your main concern has been consistently to keep blacks from taking over, by which you mean having the same rights and privileges that you enjoy.

The thing about these cases that are coming up now is that they have been recorded, the evidence is right there in front of your eyes.  There are certainly some cases where the black is at fault, but that doesn't make it right when the cops do shit like in Minneapolis 

You've had a weekend and yet it seems like you have done no thought on your 'plan.' How big would the zones be?  What about the minority white or blacks who would find themselves in such zones? Would we need brown zones also, and red and yellow, what about gay people, how about zones for gay and straight, men and women?

It's like you are saying you have discovered man could fly by strapping a ironing board to each arm, and then leave it to other people to figure out the details.  If you'd spent fifteen minutes with your stupid 'idea' you would have realized that it didn't make any sense.

How is the corona problem impacting life in the swamp?  Are you discomfited by some stores requiring a mask to protect their employees and the families of the employees,

So then are you admitting that the reps did the wrong thing by lifting their lockdowns early and causing the spike that Gutsy Gretch avoided for Michigan and thereby increased the odds of your living to an even longer and more cantankerous old age? 

Even my cats know that if two things happen at the same time it does not necessarily mean that one is connected to the other.  

I hope Old Dog puts his cyber problems behind me, so that we can begin discussing movies and other stuff.

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