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Friday, June 5, 2020

Common Knowledge

That thing about the snake oil study being withdrawn might have been common knowledge to other people, but not to me.  The first I heard of it was when I read it on my news app, and I decided to share it with my esteemed colleagues.  I never claimed that Trump was a "stable genius" either.  Actually, I thought it was pretty stupid of him to put medicine on his dick to prevent the corona virus.

Before I went into the army in 1964, it was common knowledge that "latex prophylactics" was the fancy name for rubbers.  Anybody who ever saw a rubber machine in a truck stop bathroom knew that.  It occurred to me that there is one of those machines in the bathroom of a local gas station that I frequent (just to buy gas and diesel fuel, my rubber buying days are long gone).  I'll try to remember the next time I go there to check and see if it still says that.  I never heard the word "condom" until after I got out of the army in 1967.  Another common term for rubbers was "Trojans".  Actually, that was a brand name, but it became a generic name for rubbers like "Kleenex" has become a generic name for facial tissue.  It so happens that is also the name of a high school sports team in Traverse City.  The first time I heard of it I said, "Why would they name their team after rubbers?"

That idea about assigning Black cops to Black neighborhoods just came off the top of my head.  It seemed like a good idea at the time but, as Uncle Ken pointed out, it's probably not practical.  Maybe I'll come up with a better idea over the weekend.  As my old friend Oren Bolin used to say,  "Show me a man with a hundred ideas, and I'll show you a man with at least one good idea.  Show me a man with only one idea, and it's probably wrong."

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