I thought that link would be the backup for the assertion that Sweden has less covid cases/fatalities per population than Michigan. but it was just a general msn page on covid. Nothing in particular on it about Michigan or Sweden. So I had to do my own research on the subject. The populations of Sweden and Michigan are about equal, though they both have about ten million people not twenty million. And they have approximately equal covid rates. To find out how Sweden's economy has fared one need only google sweden and corona virus economy and you will find ample evidence of Sweden's economy being in the toilet.
I meant all of Europe, and Sweden's economy was in great shape compared to the rest of Europe before the covid. This can be easily looked up. I spend a lot of time doing internet research on assertions and Beagles apparently does none. I don't see why I have to bear this burden.
It has been two weeks since those massive destructive demonstrations and thus far we have not seen any spike in our rates. Seems hard to believe all that screaming all that massing. They were for the most part wearing masks, but still. I wonder if being outdoors makes a big difference. The states that are now seeing the big spikes are those that opened up earlier than the prudent states of Michigan and Illinois and that included a lot of indoor activity. Think of it like a shower and a bath, in the first you are washing your filth right down the drain and in the latter you are sitting in your own filth, Just speculation on my part but the only restaurant I have gone to, now that we our door slightly ajar is one with outdoor seating, Actually those are the only kinds allowed, but I have seen some that maybe have connections and they have people indoors. If Beagles is still following that case of the lady barber that he was afraid would go broke, I would haircut from her if it was outdoors but I would not step into her parlor.
And now our loose cannon, which Beagles claims is better than no cannon at all, which sounds a lot like saying a lit cherry bomb in your hand is better than no cherry bomb at all, is having his rally in a closed in arena in a state where deaths are soaring. I am tempted to say that the less of those people the better, but that would be heartless and in fact they are not just infecting themselves, they are infecting innocent bystanders like myself.
Oh and he is going to be blowing hard at his republican coronation in an enclosed space, not in NC which has a dem guv who won't allow such shenanigans, but in the sunshine state which has a ruby red gov. Well better than no cherry bomb at all, eh governor?
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