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Friday, June 5, 2020

I'm still sorting this out

Greek prophylaktikos, from prophylassein to be on guard, from pro- before + phylassein to guard, from phylak-, phylax guard

Let's get this out of the way first so that we don't have to spend any time musing on the presidential member. It's a medical term.  That is the way I most often hear it used, and sometimes more generally as a preventive measure.  If you google it the first ten or so entries will give you the medical definition.  Sometimes it is used as a synomyn for condom but not often.

One of the studies that indicate that the snake oil can kill you has been withdrawn because for some contractual reason they did not want to share their data.  There are still other studies that show that it does,  There are still no studies that show it has any good effect on the corona.  This does not show that the prez is a stable genius for taking it.  And the fact that it has been withdrawn is pretty common knowledge to so I don't know why we are getting a link to it.

Sometimes I think of something that seems brilliant to me, and I am thinking what a smart boy I am since I nobody else has spoken of it, but then there is this nagging doubt, maybe nobody has spoken of it because they thought of it, but soon afterwards they realized it was a stupid idea so they never mentioned it.

Such is the case with The Simple Solution.  Percentage wise there are fewer black police then there are black people in the city.  If you hire a bunch of black cops and no white cops to balance that out the white cops will be really pissed.  Outside of the ghettos there are many areas that are integrated so what kind of cops do you have patrolling there?  

And police brutality is not just a racial thing, there is plenty of police brutality to white people also.  See this is where it gets complicated, the motives of the marchers are the downtrodden status of black people AND police brutality to black people AND police brutality in general AND all this other shit too,

Well what specific measures do the marchers want to implement to accomplish this?  They are maddeningly vague on this which makes me wonder what is their point.  Is it worth all the destruction this has caused?  They had to know this was likely to happen,
I don't know, I am still sorting this out.

But one good thing that came out of it is that Trump is plummeting in the polls.  If his defeat is the outcome of all this then I, personally think it is worth it.

And how about his march across the street to hold up a bible and claiming that he was only inspecting the bunker?  There is a clown circus much to be enjoyed.

The bridges are still up.  But the city has opened up a bit and I have seen a few restaurants with open air seating with customers at every other table eating and drinking.  There is this little Italian restaurant where I get my eggplant parmigiana sandwich ever Friday and I saw people dining in their outdoor area and they said i could make reservations for Friday which I have done.  But it is just on the other side of Trump Tower and there is talk of more demonstrations this afternoon, so who knows what will happen. 

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