The only meaningful way to compare the corona numbers of different states and different countries would be in proportion to their populations, which is why I chose Sweden as an example a few weeks ago when it was in the news. Now that it's in the news again, I checked and Michigan is still ahead of Sweden although, as I said, Sweden is on track to surpass Michigan if present trends continue. All we can establish at this point is that Michigan's numbers may have peaked earlier than Sweden's numbers.
As I have said previously, my complaint about Michigan's lockdown is that it was continued under the governor's state of emergency declaration without legislative approval, which appears to be a violation of Michigan law. I say "appears", because the jury is still out on that issue. I haven't heard anything lately about the pending court case that is supposed to resolve that controversy. The trial judge heard the arguments about a month ago and was supposed to render his verdict "soon". Whatever his verdict was, it was expected to be appealed, and some people speculated that the State Supreme Court might jump in at some point to expedite the process, but that hasn't happened yet. Meanwhile, our governor keeps issuing orders, most of which have tended towards re-opening, although I seem to remember hearing on the TV news that she has extended the state of emergency again. I am reminded of the way my school bus passengers used to argue about opening and closing the windows. They really didn't care whether the windows were open or closed, just about who gets to say whether they are open or closed.
To be fair, I can only remember one time that one of Uncle Ken's links didn't say what he said it said, and I don't even remember what it said, so I'll retract that claim. I do remember when there was all that stuff in the news about illegal immigrants crossing the border by the thousands per day, and Uncle Ken refused to believe any of it, insisting that Trump made the whole thing up, so I'll stand by that assertion.
I saw something about this on the TV news the other day, but haven't heard anything more about it until now. I'm not grinding any axes here, at least not yet. I just found the story to be interesting and thought that my esteemed colleagues would also.
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