What I expected I would see in that link was a direct comparison between Sweden's death rates and Michigan's, an article on that specific subject, what I saw instead was a long line of articles. Looking again I see where there is a link where you can look up rates, but you know, I can google that from anywhere, I don't need no stinking article.
There are mixed reviews on Sweden's economy, but most of what I read says it is in worse shape right now. Of course it is early and Sweden may come out looking like a rose. On the other hand it may not.
What google showed me was that Sweden had 4,874 deaths and Michigan had 5,770 at that particular time. Sweden had a lower rate, but not that much and adding vagaries for how they are counted and when they were taken I took that as approximately even. Maybe a bit of a stretch in hindsight, but there it is.
If there were times that Beagles has clicked on my links and found that they do not contain what I said they did, I don't recall him mentioning it. Well he says do not say exactly what I say, so I don't know. Do I refuse to believe information that Beagle's articles reveal? I don't think so, but then maybe the word exactly gets in the way.
The new Beagles does indeed look up things more often than he has in the past. I have been remiss in not giving him credit for that.
And now I forget why we are arguing about this. I think it is kind of a proxy war for opening up and locking down. I still maintain that the states that opened up early or never locked down at all are suffering worse rates than prim and proper Michigan and Illinois with their wise non-Trumpist
governors. Will Beagles allow me that?
I had not noted that comment. One of the weaknesses in Blogspot is the low priority they give to comments,. I'm guessing this is from that Gage Park classmate I spoke of some time ago. I was trying to get her involved in the blog, and I hope this is indeed her. I have heard The Wire praised widely, but then I have heard Breaking Bad and Ozark praised widely also, and after four or five episodes my eyes have glazed over. Maybe if it was free on Netflix I would sample it, but it isn't.
I would love to do movie reviews. I just saw Da Five Bloods, anybody want to talk about that?
Political correctness is nothing like politeness, which is a way for people to get along, political correctness is all about putting somebody down because they don't speak within an arcane code. It is a way to block out speech without having to reply to its arguments. The Liberal Agenda is all about the truth setting you free and pc is all about how only they hold the truth and anything questioning that is blasphemy.
Hmm, you don't suppose that a lot of those Wyoming guns registered are really straw purchases and are now in the hands of likely criminals, or as Beagles prefers to call them, bad guys?
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