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Thursday, October 24, 2019

They're All Nuts

My grandmother used to say that they were all crooks, not only politicians, but businessmen too, especially those who tried to sell her something.  If Grandma was alive today, however, I think she might conclude that they were actually all nuts.  Crooks generally possess a certain amount of animal cunning which I don't see in today's crop of movers and shakers.  I suppose Trump started it, but now the rest of them seem bent on beating him at his own game.  Who can blame them?  Say what you want about Trump, but he won the election.

I didn't know that my truck had been featured on our local dealer's website.  They brought it up from another dealership in Rose City, which is about half way between Houghton Lake and Lake Huron, and only had it for a couple of days.  I don't know why they advertised it on their site, since it had already been sold.  Be that as it may, I like it so far, that automatic transmission isn't so bad once you get used to it.  I have made several trips to town with it, about 10 miles round trip, which is about all I ever drove the old one, except to visit my daughter in Charlevoix, about 60 miles away, a few times a year.

I recognized some of the views of Spandau in the video, but the U.S. soldier's uniforms looked strange to me.  I seem to remember that we wore fatigues for Spandau guard, with a shiny helmet liner that we also wore for some parades, but we didn't have anything like those white pistol belts.  I was never involved in the changing of the guard, which only happened a few times a year.  When the US had it, they rotated people in and out of there every few days.  I think it was supposed to be 24 hours, but we were always under strength and frequently had to do assignments like that back to back.  It actually wasn't all that bad, two hours on post and four hours off in the guard house.  If you didn't fool around on your off time it was possible to get eight hours sleep over the 24 hour tour, which was more than you could usually get back in the barracks.

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