Beagles appears to be shocked that republicans, the proud party of lock and load, would take it upon themselves to form into a cellphone wielding mob and burst into a secure room where an investigation was being held, I suppose at one time the republicans were dignified to the point of being stiff, but in our exciting times that has gone the way of the buggy whip.
One of the guys in the lead was Coatless Jim Jordan. Actually he is not quite coatless he just prefers to carry it rather than wear it. I googled republican guy without a suitcoat and came across this: I guess this makes him look more like an Action Man, which is suitable when crashing down doors. As the article explains he is not actually coatless, he just prefers to haul it around behind him rather than wear it,
What got their panties in a bunch was that this was a closed hearing.. It was a closed hearing because they are discussing things like the names of our agents which, if were revealed, by, I don't know, a cellphone wielding mob, could do damage to our security apparatus which ok, is being freely dismantled by the commander in chief, but still. And I hasten to add this is not barred to republicans, just to representatives, republican or democratic, who are not members of the committee.
And let's remember that the coatless one led the famous Bengazi hearings which went on for years and came up with nada, and were closed to the public. At the time some dems complained about this, but they did not storm the ramparts and the dem White House provided documents and grumblingly went along went along with it, I think mainly because they knew, correctly, that there was nothing there and go ahead, investigate your asses off, it will keep you from doing drugs or getting into gangs,.although the actions of the recent mob call the latter item into question.
Okay the mob action was, as most republican actions are these days, meant for The Audience of One, who had recently called on the reps to take more action, and what better action than forming a mob, but the main reason these hearings are opposed is because they are getting results, because unlike the dems and Bengazi, the republicans are guilty of at least abetting high crimes and misdemeanors.
Many heads have rolled and more will follow. I don't know if Coatless Joe Jordan has any Ukrainian oil staining that jacket over his arm, but if that is the case he surely will know how to drape it from the cameras when he takes his place in the perp walk.
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