Remember how some of the hoodlum types at Gage Park used to open lockers, theirs or other people's, by forcefully jerking the handle up and down instead of opening the padlock the normal way? Apparently they had done this with the gym lockers so often that the locking mechanisms were so worn that they could be opened just by lifting on the handle, no jiggling required. After losing a couple of brand new gym outfits, I reported it to the coach and he didn't seem to care. So I wrote an editorial about it in the school paper. I said that they should either provide us with lockers that work or assign somebody to patrol the locker room on a regular basis. I also reported the coach's apathy about the situation, mentioning him by name.
Shortly after my editorial was rejected, one of the other students advised me to never keep anything in my gym locker, just keep my stuff in my hall locker until right before I went to gym class, and to put it back in there right after. That worked for awhile, but I changed from gym to ROTC shortly thereafter and didn't have to worry about it anymore.
Gym was stupid anyway, they never taught us anything, just turned us loose to fool around in the gym three times a week. We were supposed to have swimming class once a week, but I only remember doing that once. The rest of the time they would stick us in the classroom where we were supposed to have health class once a week and tell us to keep quiet and read a book or something. I don't remember ever being taught anything about health either.
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