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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

a world as clear as new blue Cheer

 I found it interesting to hear his side of the story in his own words.

My God, I hear Trump's side in his own words at least ten times a day from the Cheeto himself.  Of course it is always changing and often contradicts what he said the last time.  The one constant is that it always contains three or four lies, as did this last one.

I guess what Jesus meant to say was "Let Beagles cast the first stone."

The reason Trump fans like him is because they are stupid.  There, I don't need no stupid jibber jabber stinking article.

I think the first time I noticed there was something wrong with my eyes was towards the end of the baseball season in 2015.  I went to a make up game between KC and the Cubs.  It was a night game and where I was seated I couldn't see the full scoreboard, all I could see were those numbers on the sides of the stand.  Only I couldn't really see them.  I had a double image and I couldn't tell one number from another.  I knew something was wrong because I had always been able to read them before and people around me were reading them without trouble.

Well how often do I go to a night baseball game?  But then I noticed when I was in a car and the driver asked me to look for Anderson Street, I couldn't make it out until well after the driver did.  Meeting my sister for lunch if she was across the street I couldn't make out her face for sure.  I guess the last straw was when I had trouble making out small print on the computer screen. 

When I finally went to the eye doctor last summer his assistants shined all manner of lights into my eyes and he said yep, you got em, and he said I'll see you in half a year, and I was like well, maybe in a year and he shrugged, suit yourself.  I did make it a year which was probably too long.  Meanwhile what I kept hearing from people was how great it was, not a lot of muss and fuss, and afterwards, omygod it was like the world had been washed in new blue Cheer.  I called him this summer thinking I would get an appointment in a week, but the closest I could get was October.  I guess that's why the doc shrugged, he was booked solid, all those boomer cataracts ripening about now like a field of pumpkins.

The thing is you have to be able to see to not bump into people and read street signs and directions on your prescriptions, but beyond that I just like seeing things, the colors, the shapes, the psychedelia at the edges of the workaday world, white whites, more vibrant colors, details crisp as fresh lettuce.

I had to wear an eyepatch home and I didn't get unwrapped until yesterday morning.  The nurse was all casual like but I was all like, what, what, WOW!  The whites weren't all that white nor the colors all that vibrant, but the crispness, my God, does everybody else see like this?  All the time? 

And it just kept getting better.  I've mostly just been looking at stuff.  Took a walk around the block last night just to see what things looked like at night.  Fantabulous!

Oh impeachment is on Babies.  It's going straight to the senate and nothing is stopping it.  It's like a WW I army that once it starts to mobilize there is no way to stop it.  Myself I still don't think it's a good idea, but the dems lose all credibility now if they stop short of the gates of the senate.  And this is something they want, and more importantly the polls say the people want it, even a healthy slice of republican voters have cleaved from their mob. 

I don't see him getting convicted in the senate, but his supporters in office will be so stained with his crap, that they will have to wear proudly, that outside the reddest of the red states their careers will be done.  And into the rubble will stroll Warren and socialized medicine.

Anyway I think that's the strategy.

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