I too lose track of all the creeps who have been through the revolving doors. Like one of those movies with a lot of characters I have to ask myself, now which one was he again? That was part of the problem with the Mueller report, too many characters, too complicated, all to easy for Barr to sweep under the rug. nothing to see here, move along.
Most pundits think that Nixon was smart. well cunning is the word they usually use, but it's the same thing in my book. He was paranoid, but he could still sense the real world, like those guys that teem the downtown streets raving, but when they come to a red light, they stop and wait for it to change. Trump is just id with no attention span, as he gets loose from his handlers well, you see what you get.
I am sure that there are some jarhead generals with integrity, but I don't see any in Kelly or Mattis, they knew exactly what they were getting into and they went along with it until they got fired. I'm too tired to go through google to see if they quit or were fired, but if the former, it was just because they were about to be the latter. They may have felt loyalty to the corps, but to their country, not so much. Strangely the only one who went in and out the doors to have any integrity may be that madman Bolton.
There is word of him becoming the democrat's darling and that may be the problem with any of these guys turning on Trump: they are all generally rock-ribbed republicans and would hate to fall into the loving arms of the dems. I'm sure they would love to fall into the arms of their fellow republicans but Moscow Mitch has made sure that there is no room at his inn.
I guess that wee wee wee noise I am complaining about is the noise that is made when the driver approaches or leaves the car, after the keys come out of the pocket or go into it. I guess I really don't care much either way, but as an old guy I like to complain about new things I don't know anything about.
I can't believe that Beagles does not believe that impeachment is going on. It is. Maybe Beagles needs to start reading a bigger city paper or spend more than that five minutes of the news that he absorbs while watching his stock report.
The first two years the dems didn't have the house so there was nothing they could do. Since then there have been murmurs but Nancy has been holding back because there was no way they were going to turn the heads of twenty republican senators. They probably still can't turn their heads, but this latest Ukraine thing is so blatant and so clear cut that the public opinion has changed and Nancy can no longer hold back the dem horde. There it is.
Your terrorist is my freedom fighter, and vice versa. It has ever been thus.
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