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Thursday, October 17, 2019

none dare call it treason

I think Beagles is splitting hairs on this impeachment thing.  It's like the hypothetical wife told him she needed a loaf of bread and a quart of milk, and Beagles said ok and when to the bedroom to put his boots on, and she followed him in there and she said I thought you were going to get a quart of milk and a loaf of bread, and Beagles answers I am, and she says, no you're not you're putting on your boots.

Boy that brings back memories, the corner store with it's homey food smell and chatty laid back owner and employees and the penny candy on the shelves behind the cash register.  At first it was my older sister who was sent because she was more responsible.  I was all, no send me, let me do it, but maybe I looked too eager.  Later my sister got tired of doing it, and the job fell to me, and I was like oboy, oboy, oboy, but then I realized that hey, this is just like work, and then I was all, oh gee ma, do I hafta?  The milk was no fun, but the bread was because it was like a football and you could toss it and catch it.  When I got home the bread was all squashed up and when my mother asked me why that was, I just shrugged my shoulders. I dunno.

In Wag the Dog, the prez, in political trouble, starts a war.  This is what Clinton was accused of doing when he put troops into the Balkans.  Now what Trump is doing doing is pulling troops out.  For all his bluster, he is a curious kind of dove,  I myself am pretty dovish,  I don't like to see our guys fighting for dubious causes.  But in this case they weren't fighting, they were holding the peace.  At the end of the Balkan wars we left a lot of our guys there to sort of police the peace.  They are still there, but on the other hand there has been peace.  Seems like a good deal, it doesn't cost that much and peace is precious. 

I was glad to get out of Vietnam.  I guess we did sell out our South Vietnamese allies, but they were a corrupt bunch who by all reports never fought well.  It is correctly pointed out that the Kurds were not so much interested in defeating ISIS as they were in gaining land for the future Kurdistan, but still they were great fighters and you know fighting buddies, something kind of special in that, I really feel bad that we have treated them so shabbily.

And now Trump is sending poor loyal Pence down there to negotiate.  Negotiate what?  The Turks are laughing at General Bone Spurs and his blustering letters.  They know he won't do shit and anyway they have already accomplished most of what they wanted.

The Greek chorus of the Senate Republicans is no longer shrill, soon Widdle Windsey will be waiting in line to kiss the august toes of the emperor.  And now the Russkies are moving in.

Wasn't the main thing about the Birchers the threat of the Russkies undermining the US gummint by using our own leaders as catspaws?  Didn't that seem, well, wrong, back in the day?  Anymore it is perfectly fine.

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