"I know Beagles doesn't like to think of himself as a republican, but he is generally with them on the issues, anti taxes, abortion, gay marriage, immigrants, big gummint, generally hawkish, and pro gun."
I am not with them, they are with me on most of those issues, which is why I usually vote Republican. I was a card carrying member of the Libertarian Party for over a decade, starting in 1992, and I never missed an election, so I voted for them more than a few times because I thought that they were with me on more issues than the Republicans were at the time. One problem with the Libertarians is that they never win, so voting for them is mostly a protest vote against the other two parties. I'm fine with that as long as I consider both major party candidates to be equally bad, which is why I voted Libertarian in 2016. I am not so sure about that this time, I think it's going to be a closer call than last time. I would like to see Trump removed from office before the election because then I won't have to decide if he is as bad as whoever wins the Democratic nomination.
The term "socialized medicine" kind of sticks in my throat, so I prefer to call it a single payer plan. Last I heard, the Canadians had one that has been working fine for decades, so I don't know why we can't just copy theirs instead of trying to reinvent the wheel. I suppose it's because of the insurance companies, but the Canadians must have had insurance companies because they still do now, to cover the things their government plan doesn't cover. I don't know how they overcame the resistance of their insurance companies, but one way to do it would be to give government jobs to the insurance people that are put out of work. They did something like that when they decided to regulate the banking business, and that has mostly worked out well.
The guy called me about my new truck today, and I am picking it up tomorrow morning. Pictures to follow.
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