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Friday, September 6, 2019

the war on Christmas 2


The renters went for multicolored lights by 112 vs 42 and if you combine renters with owners then multicolored carry the day by 257 vs 223 for whites only.  The rules and regs committee completely ignores the renters.  There is a sentiment within the board, and especially by those of the rules and regs, that renters are a shiftless group of riffraff  whose opinion means nothing.

Additionally there were 63 no opinions from the owners and 21 no opinions of the renters.  One can reasonably infer that if people had no opinion then they don't mind if people have colored lights and if you combine the no opinions with the multicolored lights than 208 vs 181 owners and 132 vs 42 renters don't mind if people have multicolored lights.

Last morning I emailed the guy who ran the results of the survey asking that he do a sort of the owners data that counts every owner just once and in this way it can be determined what most people favor, but as of this time I have received no reply.

In  any case does the board want to be in the position of fining their friends and neighbors for doing something that half or more of the residents have nothing against?

This will be the gist of a statement that I am preparing.,  There is an email address that can be used to send an email to each board member and I will be sending this statement to them prior to the board meeting,  I am suspicious of this because it doesn't go to their personal email and some of them may not check their condo board email, but this is the best I can do.

I would appreciate it if the dawgs would give me a response to this, especially for logical fallacies that I might have missed.  Thank you.

On to other issues I have read the wiki article on the One Child policy and the impression I got was that it did indeed limit births for that period.  The population did not drop that much but that was because people were living longer, which I think is a good thing.

On the other hand it was enforced by brutal measures and there was considerable corruption in the whole thing, but, well, you cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs.

When Beagles says he was happier considering the miracle of photosynthesis than the dry analysis of the nuts and bolts of the process I am reminded of how back in the day a lot of people were dismayed by Newton's discoveries because it took the romance out of things like the rising and setting of the moon.

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