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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

smote by The Scourge

It looks like I have pulled a  Biden.  I got the where and the when of Wallace's speech wrong, though I got the gist of the story right.  But that is not good enough.  Unlike Biden I am not saying it is okay.  I started out well enough.  I remembered the quote, but I wasn't sure  it was George Wallace's so I looked that up, and sure enough it was.  But then I remembered him at the gates of the state U and I conflated that with the speech, and then I remembered the hard times at Old Miss.  Looking it up now I see that I should have called it Ole Miss, not Old Miss, and I conflated that.  Looking that up just now I see that it goes by the colorful moniker of The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door.  Well I knew George Wallace was from Bama so it's unforgivable that I placed him in Mississippi.

I know Old Dog doesn't like being called The Scourge, but I was smote by the Scourge and rightly so.  I fucked up, through my laziness I sinned against my cause, Objective Reality, and I beg forgiveness.  You know how they say that when you read something from somebody who is a poor speller, all the big words are spelled right, but some of the simple common words are wrong, because the guy looks up the hard words, but he doesn't look up the easy words because he is sure he has those right.  I was just sure I was right, I had a picture in my mind of Wallace at The Schoolhouse Door and I put those words into his mouth.

The big problem Wallace and his followers had with the feds was that they were forcing the south to integrate.  That state's rights thing was just a figleaf so they didn't have to admit what they were really up to and could look like they were acting on some higher principle.  It's like those southerners who claim that the civil war was not about slavery.  It's just not true.

I brought up George Wallace because Beagles said that that was the only kind of democrat that he could envision himself voting for, and I wanted to point out that the dems would never nominate such a man.

If what Old Dog is talking about in that deepfake thing is how easily videos can be edited to appear that something that didn't happen did, and how much better they are getting at it every day and we approach a day where we won't be able to tell the real from the unreal,  then yes, I have been reading about that and yes it will likely be a big problem.

It's odd, the things that we used to be able to do and then all of a sudden we can't.  I discovered some years ago that I can no longer skip,  Kind of an odd thing because the brain doesn't tell the legs to act like this then that, it just gives the metacommand to skip and the legs don't know what to do.  Also that flutterstep when you want to go down the stairs in a hurry, and you just slip into the mode.  I can't do that anymore either.  Just as well I suppose.  I fear falling and I don't mind looking like an old man going down the stairs if that will keep me from some major injury.

I have had a setback in my Christmas lights war, but the battle is still far from over.  More on that later.

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