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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Simply shocking

Damn you yet again Old Dog.

In the face of such negativity I have no recourse except to smite mightily.

But speaking of ambling along on a summer day, I have to say that Maria has not left me.

What's this, did an earworm from West Side Story enter Uncle Ken's fevered brain?  Surely, an Objective Realist of such exalted stature would not confuse Maria with Marie but the devil is in the details, no?  And as long as I'm being such a nitpicking asshole I'd like to point out that the name of that Beach Boys song is Help Me, Rhonda; don't forget that comma.


Although I've fallen into a routine of posting only once or week or so, the latest post and link from Mr. Beagles broke me out of that habit.  I scanned most of the link, reading only a few sections carefully, and it struck me that there was agenda in that article and what do you know?  Can you say White Nationalists?  I thought for sure that the article would hit many of Uncle Ken's hot buttons but maybe not today.

Anyhow, despite any questionable science and skewed point of view there were some interesting ideas and I'll read the article again more closely and try to keep an open mind.  Just because I think they're nuts doesn't mean they are wrong about everything.


On the wildlife front, I read recently that scientists have found a new species of electric eel in the Amazon rain forest.  It's a big sucker, more than eight feet long, and puts out a whopping 860 volts.  That's gotta smart, and I wonder why such a big guy hasn't been found before now.  I'd like to see somebody figure out a way to recharge phones and other devices using those critters,  something that would be up Elon Musk's alley.  Behold, the Eel Mobile!


Despite the many problems facing the British these days they haven't lost their sense of humor.  A while back one of their ambassadors lost his job for critical remarks made in reference to Donald Trump, who called the ambassador a "very stupid guy."  In one of her last acts as Prime Minister, Theresa May appointed that guy a permanent member of the House of LordsCheerio!

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