Multicolored vs white only lights data
Multicolored lights..…….145
White only……………..…181
No opinion………………….63
Multi colored lights.........111
White only........................42
No opinion.......................20
Multi colored lights..........256
White only.......................223
No opinion........................83
This is the way it should have read. Old Dog is right in that I transposed a lot of numbers. I had the numbers in a spreadsheet, but I didn't know how this email address to all the board members worked and I thought an attachment might run into a snag, so I copied them into the body of the letter, and well I was overwrought and I fucked up. I was horrified, but it turned out that the address did not go to all the board ,members but to some functionary, who then sent it to the board members, and she wrote me before she sent them out, and I sent her the corrected version, so I think everything worked out.
It does look sloppy, the numbers should have aligned, but you know what, fuck it, I'm old and I'm tired.
No opinion is a response. There are 950 units in the towers and 562 responded. Seems peculiar to me that a person would voluntarily take a survey on a subject that they had no opinion on. I will be pushing that no opinion means they are okay with whatever color lights are on the balconies. If more than one unit resident responded only one response was taken. The guy that did the survey said it didn't happen often and that when it did they both voted the same.
I had no part in constructing the survey. After the board decided to conduct a survey, it assigned the rules and regs committee to formulate it. I was allowed to attend the meeting where that was to happen. The attendance was Laura the chairman, me, and the three jackals.I call them the three jackals because they disagreed with everything I said, and all together like a pack of jackals. Laura the chairman pretty much said nothing, and since she didn't say anything I thought she might be on my side. No plan for the survey came out of the meeting. Later Laura wrote it and sent it out. I gave it my approval (not that that mattered) because it was going to happen anyway, and I guess I thought that I might gain a few points with her.
After the survey was done we had another meeting to assess the results, again it was Laura, me, and the three jackals. Again I was besieged by the jackals while Laura sat silently, until right at the end she declared that the opinion of the committee was for white only because the owners had 47 percent white and 37 percent multicolored. And the meeting was over.
The board meeting is tonight. It is on The Agenda as rules and regs - update on balcony light survey. I will get three minutes to present my case at the beginning of the meeting. That's when I will deliver my spiel. Later on rules and regs will deliver their spiel, and I guess sometime after that there will be a vote, though I notice that that is nowhere on the agenda so I really don't know. I don't know shit.
When they originally passed the ordinance I understand that it was a close vote. When I presented my petitions it seemed like the board was split on the issue, so I'm hoping I have some support beyond the rules and regs.
I'll be glad when it is over.
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