A problem Throughout Latin America is that the tinpot dictators generally don't allow birth control or abortion, they want to have as many subjects as possible. I think this is particularly acute in central America, well in Brazil anymore, now that they have the Trump of the south.
The hungry hordes yearning to breathe free travel lightly, and though they do leave some refuse along the trail I am sure that damage is dwarfed by a huge impermeable wall.
I am surprised that Beagles does not have much of a problem with the freedom benefit, which seems counter to libertarian principles. Ayn Rand would scream her head off.; I also detect a fondness for what his ilk call socialized medicine. And I think he has shown some tolerance for open borders (which by the way, is not what the dems believe in, though we are constantly being accused of that by the reps in the theory that if you say something often enough people will begin to believe it is true). I wonder if he could be saved. But I don't think we could ever convince him that we don't want to pry Old Betsy from his hands. Also we are not likely to nominate a candidate whose platform is segregation forever.
Latest polls show almost all dem candidates would beat Trump by double digits, of course these things could change, but it's better to have them on your side than against you. The main reason to nominate Sleepy Joe is that he is the most likely tool to oust Trump, and I think there is some truth to that in that he will siphon some of the buffoon vote from Trump. and that has made me more tolerant of his candidacy, but this recent gaffe (about pinning the medal on the soldier) has me perturbed. And that is because it goes against Objective Reality.
A single gaffe is no big deal, my candidate, Warren, has that Pocahontas debacle which still makes me cringe. Once a week is more problematic, but what is more problematic is Biden's attitude towards it, that it is no big deal, that the gist of it is true and isn't that what matters?
But I think it does matter. I mean if it was all that important to Biden, if it meant that much to him, how come he can't remember where it happened, or when, or what his role was in it? There are these stories that go around, rife on fb, but also in the real world like, oh I remember one lately that some cities in Britain had become ruled by Sharia law and no non muslims were allowed into them. On the face of it this was preposterous,. In order to track it down and prove it was false, one needed to know where those cities were and when this came to pass, but of course that was nowhere to be found in the story.
That's why getting the place and the time correct is so important, that's how we can track things down and find out if they are true or not. It is one of the linchpins of Objective Reality.
I used to rant about this a few years ago, and I feel a rant coming on now, but outside the horizon is becoming pink, and it is time to get the rest of my day going.
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