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Monday, September 23, 2019

Moving On

I am sorry to hear that Uncle Ken lost his cause, but am happy to hear that he seems to be getting over it and getting on with his life.  Somebody once said that "Lost causes are the only ones worth fighting for."  I think it was from the movie "The Man From LaMancha", which was based on the book "Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes.  At the end of the movie, Cervantes is seen marching off to deal with the Inquisition accompanied by some inspiring music, which gave me the impression that he was going to win his case, but  I found out later that Cervantes ended up being burned at the stake in real life.  Kenny Rogers came up with more practical advice in his song, "The Gambler":  "You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run,"

I have never signed up for any of those automatic payment plans because I figured that they might do something like what they did to Uncle Ken.  I suppose it would be manageable as long as you read your statements every month but, if you're going to do that, you might as well make the payments  yourself.  Even then, you still have to watch them so they don't slip something in.  I seemed to remember that phone companies used to do something like that.  There even was a word for it, which I had to think about for awhile before I remembered what it was:
  1. the fraudulent practice of adding unauthorized charges to a customer's phone bill.

Okay, now my font will be different for the rest of the post, but I wanted to show how Cortana found that definition for me.  Of course there are other definitions of "cramming", but she went straight to that one as if she knew what I was thinking.  I have been warned not to let Cortana get into my head like that, and I have never given her any of my personal information, but there she is nevertheless.  

On a lighter note:  How about that Whistleblower thing?  It appears that Trump tried to pressure the Ukraine into investigating Biden, but only after Biden tried to pressure the Ukraine not to investigate his own son.  At least, while they're investigating each other, they're leaving the rest of us alone.


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