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Monday, August 5, 2019

Of Politicians and Other Pricks

Last I heard, there was a guy named Bill Web who was planning to run against Trump in the primary, then there's Amash, who is planning to run on the Libertarian ticket.  I'm not sure how a guy gets his name on the primary ballot, I suppose he would have to circulate petitions like they do for all the other offices, but I don't think the party poohbahs can keep him off.  If they could, Trump would certainly never been gotten his name on it last time.  Trump only became the darling of the poohbahs after he won, before that they were saying "never Trump".  

I know that the House impeaches and the Senate conducts the trial, but that's only while the guy is a
"sitting president".  After he leaves office, for whatever reason, he can be prosecuted like anybody else for things he allegedly did before he took office.

There are two ways a specific breed of animals can be isolated, natural selection and selective breeding.  With the human species, it was natural selection, mostly caused by various populations living in diverse geographic areas having limited contact with each other.  As these populations got larger and started infringing on each other's territories, they started cross breeding, so there is indeed no pure race.  While racial stereotyping is certainly a social construct, I still believe there is a biological distinction between the races.  If it's not DNA, then it's something else.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

While it may be possible to find one Black dick that is shorter than one White dick, I believe that the average Black dick is larger than the average White dick.  Anybody who has been in the army will tell you that.  My observations were discrete, I tried not to stare, and I don't remember ever discussing it with anyone but, when you are in the shower with a bunch of guys, you can't help but notice that all men are not created equal.

It's too late to ban assault rifles, too many people already have them, and you can thank President Obama for that.  It was soon after his election that AR sales went through the roof.  They started to subside after Trump's election, but that might have been because everybody who wanted one already had one.

Decades ago, my father told me that Illinois had passed a measure that required all gun owners to register themselves, but not their specific guns.  I suppose was something like a driver's license.  With today's technology, they could put a zip strip on it and all a guy would have to do was run it through a scanner whenever he bought a gun.  Seems like that would be easier than doing a separate background check for each individual gun purchase.  Is Illinois still doing that, and how has it been working out?

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