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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A stopped clock is right twice a day

I feel like telling a story today.

Keep them coming, Uncle Ken.  Your stories are always a pleasure to read and I can enjoy them without getting hung up on arguments of one kind or another, arguments that seldom find any resolution. But I was surprised that the girl with no legs didn't recognize you from your time at the Wigwam.

I agree that more stories would be welcome in the musings of The Institute and I have to see what I can come up with to keep up with you guys.  Patience, my friends.


Current affairs are starting to make my head spin and I think of the old cartoon trope where an old guy, usually dressed in a robe with a flowing beard, is holding a big sign stating "The End Is Near."  I never thought that the Amazon rain forest would catch fire but here we are, the damn thing is burning with hundreds of fires.  This does not bode well, ecologically speaking, and I'm not sure if it will recover fully; a good way to create a desert is to start with burning down all the trees.

And what kind of sense can be made with the growing international trade wars?  Trump is playing a game he doesn't understand and plays very poorly if the recent G7 summit is any indicator, but I'll let the pundits chew on that one.  It seems to me that the international community is biding its time, waiting for Trump's term to end with a possible return to normalcy, however you wish to define it.


When I heard that Joe Walsh entered the presidential sweepstakes, I thought "Cool!" but I was thinking of a different guy.  Hey, it's an honest mistake.  But just when I thought that politicians couldn't get any more delusional up pops this guy.  What is he thinking?  And what are most of the Democratic candidates thinking, do they sincerely believe that they have a shot or are even qualified?  A lot of time and money is being wasted on these clowns and, sadly, this is the best that we can come up with at this time.  Both parties have become so fragmented that viable candidates are getting lost in the noise and confusion, in my opinion.  But time will tell, and maybe Congress will grow a spine, the legal system will work as it should, and pigs will fly.


I know I keep yammering about China's social credit system but it fascinates and frightens me and is building up steam.  Consider the source, it's Infowars, after all, but that doesn't automatically render it specious.  And the system is not limited to China anymore, either; it's something we can experience now, right here at home.  It's already begun so sleep well,  citizens, and have your papers in order.


There is something that I didn't know but Mr. Beagles probably did and that is that you can store ammunition for a long time, a very long time.  One of the loonier YouTube channels that I follow, Taofledermaus, acquired some ninety year-old ammo and it worked perfectly.  Cosmoline is your friend.

But I follow a lot of goofy channels and websites, just to get an idea of what the "other folks" are thinking.  There are a lot of goofballs out there, that's for sure, and I'm not certain that they are all out of line.  Nuggets of truth are bound to be found and I'm not sure that I would recognize them.  A catchphrase of the old X-Files TV show was "Trust No One," and I'm beginning to agree.

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