The HSUS seeks to build a humane society that will move toward protecting and celebrating wildlife and will develop humane solutions to wildlife conflicts through innovation. The HSUS actively works to eliminate the most inhumane and unfair sport hunting practices, such as the use of body-gripping traps and snares, bear-baiting, the hound hunting of bears, bobcats, mountain lions and wolves, contest killing events and captive hunting on fenced properties. We oppose live pigeon shoots and other forms of staged hunting where the animals are bred or stocked simply to be shot as living targets. We also oppose the trophy hunting of rare or endangered populations and the use of lead ammunition, since less toxic alternatives are workable and available in the marketplace
This is the USHS's official policy on hunting. It doesn't sound like they are after Old Betsy. But that is now and Beagles is speaking of the 70's so perhaps things were different then. I couldn't find anything on their website about gun control, though aside from their own page and wiki, the first two pages contained only pro-gun, anti-HSUS stuff from, well I assume gun nuts.
The main reason I went to the source is that if gun control was their ultimate aim, going after bows and arrows first seems awfully ass backwards. If you want to wage some program of social change you go after the easiest items first, the places where you can gain some support. If your goal is socialism you go after the forty hour week first, and leave the takeover of business till after you have accomplished more modest goals.
Who hates bows and arrows? I think hardly anybody because hardly anybody gets hurt by them. Who hates AR's (I'm using this term to denote all semi automatic weapons because it's easier to type)? A lot of people, because they have killed a lot of innocent bystanders, Seems to me the logical first goal would be to go after AR's Too bad Beagles tore up that paper, I would like to see it.
I wonder why Beagles resigned on the spot. Shouldn't you stay and fight for what was right? Isn't that what Davy Crockett told us to do? I expect Beagles's goals were not compatible with that of the members. Actually I wonder why Beagles was interested in such an organization in the first place, what did he want to accomplish?
I think Beagles's second paragraph is meant to make a case that closing the nut houses is responsible for the current rash of shootings. I'm not buying it. I will just say this about that, if the mass shooting in Texas Beagles refers to (location? date?) had involved an AR, a lot more people would have been killed.
The mention of pigeon shoots, reminds me of Dick, The Prick, Cheney, shooting his old buddy in the face. Okay that frozen chicken in the sack at the grocery store was killed on some assembly line, but the guy doing it is being paid and the aim is to feed people. What to make of a guy who pays money to shoot an animal pretty much in a barrel, for the fun of it. For the fun of it? If we ever get around to rebuilding nut houses I hope the first beds go to guys who participate in pigeon shoots.
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