I have to say that I don't know if they license gun owners in Illinois. Not even sure what that means, it sounds like you would have to pay some yearly fee like a hunting license. Not sure what good that does. I guess that makes it easier to track you down if you commit a crime, but that is after the fact. Red flagging sounds like a good idea, but when you get into the nitty gritty of who will be flagged it sounds like you are going to end up with something toothless.
I don't think I said anything about banning ARs, if I did it was just as a sort of shortcut, what I meant is banning all weapons that can easily be converted to automatic weapons. I wonder why a semi automatic is popular for hunting. If you only wound that wabbit, is he going to come charging after you? If you are hunting something that might actually come charging after you, well maybe you shouldn't be using that. I suppose you could carry a pistol of the coup de gras. The way I look at it is that you weigh the potential harm against the potential good that such a machine may do, and in the case of the bunny blaster the former outweighs the latter.
As I recall neither of the tarians! impressed me much. I recall referring to them as Dumber and Even Dumber. Doesn't matter. Jesus H Christ could run against Trump in the primary and got stomped/.
I take it Old Dog hasn't been walking along the beaches lately. Those concrete banks with the corrugated steel in front? Underwater, most of them.
I don't recall anything about a hole in the space station, in fact I don't know much about the space station at all. Are the Russkies delivering supplies now that the shuttle is gone? What are they doing up there? They will probably have to polish their brass and shine their shoes and learn to float at attention once they become part of The Space Force.
Those mainstream conspiracy theories about Epstein seem to have faded into the dark web in a pretty short time. Probably people thought if Trump is tweeting it, it must not be true. Now there is a way for Trump to throw off his persecutors he could tweet '2 + 2 = 4.' and watch everybody pull out their calculators and then shake them in puzzlement. What I still wonder about Epstein that I don't think has been answered yet, is where did he get all that money.
Those, um, things, in Podesta's brother's collection are pretty grotesque, but then some people think that art is supposed to shock. As the brother of a guy who is no longer in politics I don't see this becoming a thing. Unless Hannity decides to talk about it.
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