So, I saw Pompeo on tv yesterday. The guy is kind of a dim bulb, but among Trump cabinet members he is a blazing supernova. He was explaining what is the deal with the recent ISIS resurgence. See now if he was Trump he could have just said that there was no resurgence, it was all fake news, and anybody that said so was a traitor. But that's a privilege not normally accorded to the lackeys, though some have come close to it because what the hell, So Pompeo kind of hemmed and hawed, careful not to say anything that would contradict any of the whoppers that Trump has said lately (Trump has said ISIS was completely wiped out), and basically mumbled something like 'it's complicated.'
Well amusing enough, but then I got to thinking, aren't these guys supposed to be protecting America? Isn't that what we pay them for? You have mumbling lackeys with no power fighting for the favor of the baby who cannot read through a one page report and changes his mind at the drop of a word from Hannity who gets his news from, well probably from Russian bots when you consider the content, which is anything that will tear the country apart and label anybody not hewing to the changing Trump line a traitor.
One of the things the reps like to do, and usually Trump goes along even though he would rather spend the money on parades and the wall (How is that wall-building coming along by the way?), is slathering money on the military. What is the point of a fat military if it doesn't protect us?
Back to ISIS. Aren't these the guys who sent wave after wave of desperate refuges banging on the doors of Europe, electing Trumpian dictators in Italy and Hungary, and in smaller less-advanced countries to the east? And brought the dizzying Brexit fiasco to England, and fueled rightist thugs in France and Germany? Not that I think Trump is playing three dimensional chess here, maybe more something along the lines of ignorance breeding more ignorance
And you have to think, if we have gone two years and change with a headless, practically speaking useless army, and yet nobody has swept down and tried to dismember us, so what do we even need an army for?
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