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Friday, August 2, 2019

I Know What I Saw

I have previously said what I don't like about Trump, he has an abrasive personality and no respect for the truth.  I have also said that I was pleasantly surprised that he has actually tried to fulfill some of his campaign promises.  I don't agree with everything he has said or done, but I would rather vote for him than almost any Democrat.  I plan to vote against Trump in the primary but, if he gets the nomination, I don't know what I will do.  As far as the Mueller report goes, I am interested in it, but not interested enough to read the whole thing.  I had heard that no evidence of collusion was found, but I had not heard that evidence of attempted collusion was found.  Is Uncle Ken saying that it was?  I would not object to Trump being prosecuted or impeached if somebody who has the authority to do so determines that there is enough evidence to support the effort.  By continuing to make allegations and not doing anything about it, it gives me the impression that the allegators are just blowing smoke.  I would call it "character assassination" except that Trump has no character.  I have said it before and I'll say it again, shit or get off the pot.

I'm sure that I have also said before that I don't understand why the Russians are being such pricks lately, since they renounced Communism a long time ago.  I seem to remember Uncle Ken saying that the Russians were like that before they embraced Communism, and that may be true, but it's also possible that Putin is some kind of neo-communist.  Last I heard, merely being buddies with some Russians, or Communists either, was not a crime.  Indeed, FDR was an admirer of Joe Stalin back in the day, and has been quoted as saying that some of his best friends were Communists.

I got to thinking after I signed off last night that, if there is no scientific basis for racial distinction, how come they can tell where your ancestors came from by looking at your DNA?  They may not use words like "race" but, if they tell you that 20% of your DNA comes from Scandinavia, isn't that the same as saying 20% of your DNA is White?

I don't care what Google says, I took lots of showers with all kinds of guys in the army.  I only noticed one Black guy with a "normal" size dick, and he said that his people came from the Bahamas.  Furthermore, I only saw two White guys who had dicks as big any Black guy.  One of them was from Poland, and the other appeared to have a little Indian in him.  I admit that it wasn't a scientific study, but I know what I saw.

"I had thought that race was a scientific term defined by species that could reproduce with each other, but by that rubric Whites and Blacks and Heathen Chinee would clearly be of the same race.  But race is actually a social construct, that is just something we made up.  The idea that each race was very different was popularly held up until maybe the 20's.  By the 50's it was completely debunked in that there was no more difference between a white and black man than there was between a white and black cat." - Uncle Ken

Species and race are two different things.  All members of a species can indeed reproduce with each other.  Race is the equivalent of what we call "breed" in animals.  Beagle and collie are breeds within the dog species.  A beagle and a collie can reproduce together, but neither of them can reproduce with a cat.  That certainly does not mean that there is no significant difference between a beagle and a collie.

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