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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

breaking news, the same old shit is going on

The Panama papers, I guess I had pretty much forgotten about them, but they have been mentioned in connection with the Epstein event.  I hadn't paid ,much attention to Epstein, but lately have come across some longer articles on the subject, and well, it's moderately mind blowing, the way so many things these days are moderately mind blowing. Breaking News...Breaking News...the world will never be the same!  The only thing that puzzles me about this is where his dough came from.  His fabulous hedge-fund doesn't seem to have had any clients.  He seems to have had some mesmerizing effect on this guy Wexner who had founded Victoria's Secret, so maybe that's the source.  There's a very interesting article in last week's New Yorker about the role Dershowitz had in relation to the affair.  Now there is an annoying personage on the airways, I would be glad to see his teat caught in wringer.

The Steele Dossier is still around because the republicans are using it to propel their counter investigations.  The claim is that it was the reason Trump first got investigated, which is obviously untrue, but, in the words of Beagles, that has never stopped them before.  I expect the burning passion of the counter investigations will end like all the silly things (anybody heard anything about Benghazi lately?), not with a bang, but a whimper.

The Mueller Report is still around, there is some judge wanting to make Barr unredact it.  But really the redacted report was pretty damning, but the republicans are riding the Trump tiger like a band of hungry fleas because that guy on Fifth Avenue,.he probably had it coming.

Bill Webb, now there's, how should I put it, a nobody.  Here's the article on the reps trying to keep anybody running against Trump off the ballot for the primaries:

I guess Beagles can believe there is some biological truth in that race thing, since that's his story and he's sticking to it.  I say it's hogwash and I'm sticking with that.  As for that, ahem, racial distinction, I guess the dawgs know what they seen and that is all they need to know.  Very well.

Right, Obama is responsible for all the ARs  I imagine he was manufacturing them in his in his secret Muslim redoubt in Kenya ever since he was born there.  And c'mon Beagles no gun nut has only one gun.  They may have like only one vacuum cleaner and only one snow shovel, but they all have at least six or seven guns.

It does not matter what Illinois does about guns, because they come streaming in here from Indiana where any law-abiding Hoosier can buy as many guns as he wants and sell them to our street gangs.

Again without automatic weapons there would be like fifteen more people in El Paso and maybe five in Dayton, and I still maintain that would be a good thing.

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