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Friday, February 19, 2016

That's a Great Idea!

I really like your idea about splitting in place, we could do it by Zip Codes. It wouldn't be much of a hardship for people who don't agree with their neighbors to move to the next Zip Code, not nearly as much as moving to another state. We would need to have open borders to allow people to commute to work and visit their friends and relatives on the other side. We also might need some kind of mutual defense treaty in case some foreign power thinks that we are weak just because we are divided. No Zip Code should be allowed to be neutral, however, you're either a left wing nut or a right wing nut, no wishy-washers allowed. Well, maybe the wishy-washers could have Zip Codes of their own because we certainly don't want them coming in and taking over one of ours. By wishy-washers I mean the moderates. Who needs them? The Republicans ran moderate candidates in the last two presidential elections, and they lost both times.

I don't remember where I got the idea that other countries are not as politically conscious as we are, I must have read it somewhere. I hereby retract the assertion, since I am not prepared to defend it.

Isn't South Carolina the state where the first shots of the Civil War were fired? That should tell you something.

2/20/16: It occurred to me today that your plan might not involve splitting up territory, just people. That might work too, but we'd have to do away with the secret ballot. Well, your vote wouldn't have to be exactly public, but it would need to be registered in a computer or someplace. Your vote would determine which half of the country you were a part of for the next four years, at which point you would have the option of changing it or rolling it over for another four years. There would have to be some kind of identification system too, to make sure people paid the proper taxes and collected the proper benefits for their group. If, as you say, ID cards can be easily forged, maybe we could do something with computer face recognition. Do they have that yet, or is it still science fiction? What would we do with the moderates, would they be forced to chose one or the other, or would we have a third option for them?

At this point, I am leaning towards Marco Rubio as the lesser of three evils. Our primary is March 8, so I've still got some time to change my mind, but that's where I'm at now.

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