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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Do The Math

According to Wiki, there are 26,152 people in Cheboygan County, and 0.76% of them are Hispanics. By my calculations, we should have 198.76 Hispanics, or maybe it's 19.88 Hispanics. I'm not sure where the decimal point goes. It's been a long time since I and my hypothetical wife have been to school, and I have been driving her nuts trying to remember how it goes. She finally told me to ask you to figure it for us since you are a former teacher. At any rate, however many Hispanics we have, they must be keeping a low profile because neither I nor my hypothetical wife know any of them or where they might live, nor do we remember hearing anything about them in the news. We used to have a Taco Bell, but it closed down a long time ago, and I don't remember ever going in there.

I've got nothing against anybody who wants to live in Chicago. If all the Chicago people followed my example and moved here, it would be just as crowded here as it is in Chicago, and I would have to move away. The only reason I'm paranoid about those people taking over the country is that I keep hearing about it in the news. I already have given up reading our local newspaper, so maybe if I quit watching the TV news I wouldn't worry so much. Only then I would have to depend on you as my sole source of news, and I would still have to look it up on Wiki to see if you're telling me right.

Speaking of which, I thought I remembered hearing on TV that Trump won the New Hampshire Republican primary, and now you tell me that Kasich won it. Well according to Wiki, Trump got 35.34%, Kasich got 15.81%, and Cruz got 11.68% of the votes. Although Trump didn't get a majority, he got a plurality, which is the closest anybody is going to come to winning unless it ever gets down to only two candidates. I understand that your man Bernie won on the Democrat side, so congratulations are in order, although with 48 more states and various odd territories to go, it's a little too soon to do the victory dance.

Why doesn't Cruz ask the Attorney general or somebody to deliver a legal opinion on the issue of his citizenship? If I was running for president, I would want to know early on whether or not I was wasting my time. It seems like, after that uproar about Obama's birthplace, they or somebody should have put a mechanism in place to resolve these issues before a guy could even declare his candidacy. With all those foreigners taking over the country it's bound to come up more and more as time goes on. Congress can't just change the Constitution by its own self. First they have to pass a proposal, and then it's got to be ratified by 3/4 of the state legislatures. Another way would be to call a constitutional convention, which could change anything or even dump the whole constitution and start all over from scratch, but that's never been done because nobody wants to open up that can of worms.

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