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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Anyone But Trump

No, I was never on the debate team at Gage Park. I didn't like the idea of being assigned "pro" or "con" by the flip of a coin, I wanted to be able to choose my own side.

I was kind of kidding about that paranoid "They" stuff. It does make me wonder, though, what a guy like Trump is doing there. He has no political experience and it seems like he just says anything that pops into his head, but maybe that's all an act. You don't get to be as rich as he is by being stupid. And, speaking of makeup, does he have a lousy makeup team or does he really look like that?

I understand that lack of political experience is considered by many to be a good thing because they are fed up with politicians. That's how our RINO Michigan governor got elected. He was some kind of rich businessman who had never held political office in his life. His campaign slogan was "One tough nerd.", and he actually won with that. Our former governor had trouble getting her budgets passed, mostly because the legislature was usually controlled by the other party. Snyder promised that he would balance the budget, and he did, but it was mostly downhill from there. I was surprised when he was re-elected because he made a lot of people from both parties mad at him. It's like he just does what he wants to and doesn't care what anybody else thinks of him. I hate people like that!

I don't know what to think about this illegal immigration thing. We didn't get into this mess overnight, and I don't think there is an easy quick fix for it. For a century or more, the Mexican border has been pretty porous with people coming and going at will. Now they are trying to tighten it up, but I don't know if that's even possible anymore. And what are we going to do with all the illegals that are already here? Even if we could round them up and deport them, they could just sneak back in whenever they wanted to. If we make them citizens, that would just encourage more of them to come here. Maybe the Libertarians had the right idea. I don't know if they still believe this, but they used to advocate just throwing the gates open and letting people come and go as they wish. It sounds kind of radical, but what's worse, abolishing an unenforceable law or letting people make a mockery of it, which just breeds disrespect for all the other laws?

One reason I haven't been following this primary race very closely is that I find the sheer number of candidates overwhelming. I hope the pack thins out substantially in time for me to research the survivors before I have to vote. I seem to remember that's what happened last time, but I don't remember who I ended up voting for. I know it wasn't Romney, but I voted for him in the general election because I figured that anybody would be better than Obama.

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