I thought it was "burn", but I see you spelled it "Bern" like it was somebody's name, so I'm not sure that I know what you're talking about...... Oh, you must mean Bernie Sanders. Duh!
I don't think our RINO governor was ever involved with the Tea Party. Our gubernatorial elections are in the off years, and he's into his second term now, so he must have been elected in 2010 and assumed office in 2011. His main claim to fame was that he wasn't a politician, just a savvy businessman who could restore Michigan to economic stability. He did balance the budget, which couldn't have been too hard because he had both houses of the legislature on his side. He caught a lot of flack because he eliminated one of the business taxes and made up the difference by taxing retired people's pensions, which Michigan had never done before. That pissed off the liberals. He said that he wasn't in favor of a "right to work" law and, while he didn't push for it, he signed it when it came across his desk. That pissed off the union people. The Emergency Manager law that I told you about was never popular with anybody that I know of, and the conservatives are pissed that he bailed out Detroit. The liberals are pissed about the Flint water crisis, although I'm not sure how that was his fault, and the conservatives are pissed that he's kissing up to Obama for federal aid to fix it.
I've heard good things and bad things about Hispanics, probably because there are some good Hispanics and some bad Hispanics, just like with everybody else. The fact that there are so many of them makes me a little nervous, but any kind of large crowd has always have made me nervous, which is one reason I left Chicago. The fact that they can come here illegally and just settle in like they belong here says something about our legal system. I have always believed that, if a law is not going to be enforced, it should be repealed. I think I learned that in Sawyer Elementary School.
Another consideration is all the cross border drug dealing that has been going on for some time. I understand that a large part of Mexico is currently being ruled by drug gangs, and that their own government is either unable or unwilling to stop them. I seem to remember your girl Hillary saying that this is all "our" fault for providing a ready market for illegal drugs. I don't know about her, but I don't use illegal drugs, so I don't know who she means by "our". That's another thing that could be solved by repealing some laws, which has already happened in a few states. It really needs to be addressed on the federal level, and maybe it will be someday if it goes well in the states that have tried it.
Is Jeb Bush still a contender? One would thing that this country has had enough Bushes in the White House, and enough Clintons too for that matter. I was on Wiki today because those sub zero wind chills were not conducive to outdoor work. It looks like the race is narrowing down to Trump and Cruz, but I suppose it's still too early to tell for sure. I guess I could live with Cruz, but I really wish they would resolve that citizenship issue before the national convention. I would hate to see Cruz nominated and then disqualified, leaving Trump to win by default. What a jerk!
Funny that you should say your ilk is losing control of the country. I always though they took over in the 60s and my ilk has been trying to take the country back ever since. Come to think of it, the pendulum has swung both ways a couple of times, but it always seems to swing right back again. Maybe that's all for the best. If one side or the other ever gained permanent control they would likely become too powerful and arrogant. Then we'd need to have another revolution or something. I don't know about you, but I'm too old for that shit.
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