Either I didn't fully understand the rules of this scenario or you are changing the rules in the middle of the game. Why should our side have to eliminate labor unions and otherwise oppress the working people? Indeed, I thought that many of us are the working people. As I understood it, the original deal was that we would pay less taxes and be entitled to less government services. Although the government regulates both labor unions and corporations, that doesn't make them government services. Both belong in what is commonly called the "private sector". Military protection is certainly a government service, but we are already paying for that with the money we saved by not having to fund the social welfare programs, which are also government services. As the old saying goes, "Who pays the fiddler calls the tune." You guys get to vote on the social welfare programs and we get to vote on the military issues. So far we haven't assigned the commercial marketplace to either side, maybe we need to talk about that.
Homeless people: It's been a few years, but I seem to remember it went something like this. There are people in Cheboygan County who don't have homes of their own, but they are all staying with friends or relatives. If you want to call them "homeless", I guess you can, but they are certainly not living in the streets because it's way too cold around here for anybody to do that. Even at the peak of summer, it is not unusual for our night time temperatures to dip into the 40s, and, without adequate protection, hypothermia becomes an issue at 50. Traverse City is only a little warmer than we are, but they get way more snow in the winter, so I don't know where their homeless people came from. My guess is they moved there after the shelter was built. They may have been hanging around during the summer, planning to leave in the fall, but decided to stay after the shelter was provided, I don't know. The fact that the developer was quoted as saying "If you build it they will come." suggests that the homeless shelter he was trying to sell us would be a magnet that would draw homeless people to Cheboygan. Why he would think that was a good selling point is a mystery to me.
I don't know how much information is stored on the chips they implant in animals, but all we would need on ours is name, address, and citizenship or immigrant status. They could scan people with the wand when they vote, run for public office, or apply for any kind of job or government service. Then again, I suppose those chips can be hacked like anything else, so maybe they wouldn't be any more effective than the IDs we have now. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
I haven't heard about the discovery of gravity waves. One more thing to look up in my spare time.
I did pick up some conversation about the primaries on the Bloomberg Channel today while I was checking the stock marker numbers. I turned the sound on when the banner on the bottom said "Can Trump be Stopped?" Apparently I am not the only one who wants to dump the Trump, but nobody is sure how to go about doing that, or if it's even possible. The "establishment Republicans" seem to have given up on the moderate candidates and have identified Rubio as the lesser of three evils. Remember, you heard it first from Talks With Beagles!
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