Egg plant?
Not a fan of hot food huh? You ought to live in Texas for a couple
years, you would develop a taste. Myself I like jalapenos, but I steer
clear of the dreaded habanero.
You're right, there is a lot of talk about the Hispanic vote. I guess
it's because they tend to vote in a block. They wouldn't necessarily do
so. As the republican establishment points out, they are religious,
family oriented, pretty conservative and their natural home would be the
republican party.
But the insurgent wing of the party keeps bashing them because it is
popular with a lot of republican voters because, well some will say that
they are concerned with national security and the rule of law, but
mostly I think it is because they don't like people who don't talk and
look like them, which is to say white.
And maybe I am wrong and more republicans are concerned with national
security and rule of law than are xenophobic, but if you are a Mexican
it sure looks like these people plain don't like you and hell will
freeze over before you vote for any republican.
The Attorney General of the US is Loretta Lynch, a black woman appointed
by Obama. Do you think any republicans are going to take her word for
anything? And do you think she is going to go out of her way to help
the second nuttiest republican candidate. And even if she did, you know
somebody would sue, because the most treasured right of Americans is
the right to sue.
I think that thing about keeping foreign guys out of the presidency is a
holdover from colonial days, even though not a few of the founding
fathers were foreign born. It seems undemocratic that if the majority
of Americans want somebody for president they can't have him because of
some loophole.
Well I was settling in to watch the republican debate Saturday night and
I went to my favorite political website, Politico, to brush up on what
would be upcoming and bam, Scalia dead.
Well dignity in death and I'm sure he was a fine family man and had
friends aplenty, but I never liked the sonofabitch and I was glad to see
him dead.
The guy was scarce cold when McConnell and the entire slate of rep
candidates were declaring there would be no consideration of anybody
that Obama would nominate. Flat out no hearings. Seemed kind of odd, I
mean why not hold the hearings? I think it's in their beloved
constitution and they could just vote down anybody Obama proposed all
nice and legal like.
It makes you wonder what will become of the supreme court. If neither
party controls both the presidency and the senate they will not be able
to confirm anybody, and if a party controls both they can nominate
anybody they choose and not a damn thing the other party can do about
And then on to the republican debate and holy shit, the only reason
chairs weren't flying is because they had podiums, and probably the only
reasons podiums weren't flying was because they couldn't rip them up.
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