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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

another day, another crust of bread and lump of coal

Wow, that first paragraph was spoken like a true plutocrat.  The only way to deal with the poor is not to give them anything beyond keeping them from freezing and starving.  Do you think poor people who get a leg up, due to enlightened liberal policies, are going to leave the Democracy for the Republic, where for sure there won't be any minimum wage and certainly no unions and every penny they earn beyond starvation and freezing will have to be pulled from some plutocrat's gold teeth?

Cruz is in favor of a wall too, and he had just decided to join Trump in wanting to yank all the illegal immigrants out of their beds and send them across the border.  If Rubio sees that this is winning them votes he will be for the wall and the early morning yank also.  He's a flip flopper, and that's the only thing I like about him.  I thought you were for a wall.  In your last post you spoke of sealing the borders good and tight, so how are you going to do that?  Line it with guys making peanuts and expect them not to take bribes?

Why stop at creationism in your schools?  Why not include that other popular medieval theory about everything being composed of fire, air, water, and earth?  It's just as good as the theory of gravity isn't it?  And why not just chuck the whole thing and those expensive labs and spend the time in bible study?  And you haven't addressed will there still be public education (giving something away for free) in Beaglesonia, or will it all be private?  I do like the idea of the Annals of Beaglesonia being required reading. 

I think you've told me that you don't have bobcats or cougars, and I've never heard you speak of wolves, or bears now that i think about it.  So who eats the deer up there?  What kind of wildlife do you have?  Do you have those odd little mammals like muskrats and weasels and badgers.

We still call them prairies, or at any rate people my age do.  I haven't heard anything about the coyote last week, so I imagine it has moved on.  Maybe it didn't get enough handouts after making a spectacle of itself here in the Democracy and is headed north to earn a living my sealing up the borders of Beaglesonia good and tight.  Good eating up there too is what I hear.

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