I've never understood why cannibalism was such a taboo. Killing a
person would be wrong, but once you did that, or somebody else did, I
don't see how eating the dead guy makes anything worse. Like those guys
in that Andes plane crash and they were so shocked by them eating their
dead comrades, and to me it is just a perfectly logical thing to do.
My favorite cannibal joke is where the guy walks into the cannibal
restaurant and the menu says, Regular People.... $10. Hippies.... $50,
and he asks the waiter how come so much for a hippie and the waiter
replies, "Did you ever try to clean one of those suckers?"
It wasn't my plan, at least the last time I brought it up, that liberals
are more moral than conservatives, I don't believe I said that, I just
wanted to point out that they have different moralities, stoics. where
they believe acts can be moral in and of themselves, for the
conservatives, and utilitarianists, where what is important is the
consequences of the acts, not necessarily the act itself, for the
This bible stuff, I don't think you have ever explained why we can
disobey it on eating shellfish but not on homosexuality. You know the
Romans were pretty tolerant on homosexuality and the Greeks more than
tolerant. It was the Jews who were uptight about sex and then when
western civ took up with a variant of their religion we took up with all
that higgery priggery. I don't know where you get that the moral code
abandoned the conservatives. They still have their moral code and in it
homosexuality is still some kind of sin. You know there are two
arguments against the idea that since we have been doing something so
long we should just continue to do it. One argument is to explain that
we really haven't been doing it so long, and the second, better,
argument is: So what?
We've been through that argument about the distribution of goods several
times, and I agree it is a sticky wicket. Most people don't want to
distribute their goods, and most people with a lot of goods have the
power to resist them being distributed, and it's kind of against human
nature. Generally we liberals just push for more for the poor, because
they could use it more. Well there is that whole thing about giving to
the poor that we have been over also many many times.
Basically I just wanted to point out that generally conservatives and
liberals have two different kinds of moral codes, and that was all.
The first Republican debate is coming up this Thursday, I'll be stocking
up on popcorn. Will you be watching? Do you have a horse in this
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